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Senior Spotlight: Kyle Wessel

As the spring semester winds to a close startlingly quickly, we're beginning a new series of blog posts dedicated to highlighting our graduating seniors. First up is Kyle Wessel.

Kyle Wessel Headshot

Kyle graduates this June with a degree in Theatre, an abundance of stage experience in his tenure at UW Madison. He has appeared in The Yellow Boat, The Odyssey, The Beaux Stratagem, Magic Time, and It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play, and will appear this April in The Underpants. Off the stage, he is a frequent performer in student films in the Radio, TV and Film department of the school of Communications. Furthermore, Kyle is a founding member, writer, and producer for Casual Business Productions and their upcoming web series Co-Operate. He is also a former member of the UTA Leadership, having been instrumental in growing UTA into its present state. A native of Milwaukee, WI, Kyle fully intends to pursue acting as a career - in fact, he spent his spring break networking in Los Angeles. We salute Kyle for his many years of effort on behalf of the organization, and can't wait to see what he does next!



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